Sprouters in the Press...
Missoula Independent, "Taking Off, Filmmaking on the Rise in Montana"
New York Times article about 'Invisible Yellowstone'
Missoulian article about 'Little Mom Full of Color'
MSU News Service article about the Student Emmys & 'Little Mom Full of Color'
Sprout Films
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Created in 2007 by documentary filmmaker Katy-Robin Garton, Sprout Films is a production company based in Missoula, Montana. Sprout Films sprung up from a desire to help organizations, individuals, and companies creatively communicate through visual storytelling. Katy’s objective as a filmmaker is to produce innovative media projects that enrich perspectives, share visions, and cultivate change. At Sprout, we recognize the power of communication and collaboration to effectively share your organization or community’s vision. Therefore, consider us an extension of your team, and yourself a part of the Sprout community. Meet the Sprouters...